Accommodation > Student

Rooms have been reserved at the Accommodation Kellermann in Paris  (for information; reservation has to be done with the conference registration - See REGISTRATION)

Centre International de Séjour Kellermann 

 17 Boulevard Kellermann - 75013 PARIS

Metro station : Maison Blanche or Porte d’Italie (line 7)

These rooms are cheap for Paris at this period (213 € for 7 nights in double or triple room, with breakfast) and are dedicated to students.

If you are interested, you can reserve a room while doing the conference registration - See REGISTRATION.

Then, these rooms will be open for reservation for all conference participants according to availability.

Hotels in the Latin Quarter

Hotel Oops
50, avenue des Gobelins, 75013 Paris

Metro station : Place d’Italie or Gobelins (line 7)
Shared rooms from 36 € per night and per person (free breakfast) 

BVJ Quartier Latin, Bureau des Voyages de la Jeunesse
34, rue des Bernardins, 75005 Paris

Metro station : Jussieu or Maubert Mutualité (line 10) or RER Saint-Michel Notre-Dame
Tariffs per person Single room: 45 € - Double room: 35 € - Dormitory (3, 8 or 10 beds): 30 €
The breakfast is offered but toilet towels are not provided.

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